형준 : 더블에스오공일 @ 2010-06-21, 오후 8:49:49
from: ss501.dspenter.com
우리 서로 믿어요 ,
걱정하지 말아요.
다섯명은 영원히 하나입니다.
우리 할아버지 할머니 될때까지 함께합시다.
멋진음악, 멋진모습으로 보답할게요 우리 다섯명이.
사랑해 완두콩들 ^-^
더블에스오공일 만세~ 만세~ 만세~
Hyung Joon : Double S 501 @ 2010-06-21, 8:49:49 PM
We believe in one another ,
Don't worry.
Five of us will be as one Forever.
We will be (Let's be) together all the way until we become grandmothers and grandfathers.
Amazing music, terrific us, we'll repay all of you with that, the 5 of us.
I love you all, green peas ^-^
Double S 501, Manse~ Manse~ Manse~
omo.. einai toso kalos.. me sugkhnhse to paliopaido...T________T
elpizw na ta ennooun auta pou lene kai na mn anakoinwsoun kamia apoxwrhsh leader se liges meres.. dn pisteuw oti an ginei kati tetoio 9a to ante3w..GREEN PEAS LOVE YOU TOO <3